25 brilliant British English slang words and phrases

English expressions to sound like a local!

Learn British English slang expressions

[Last updated on 10/12/2024]

British English slang expressions add personality and charm to everyday conversations. Whether you’re exploring London, chatting with British colleagues, or just watching British TV shows, understanding these phrases can enhance your experience.

In this blog, we’ve choosen 25 brilliant British English slang words and phrases to help you sound more like a local. If you’re an English language learner, you can discover the unique ways Brits express themselves and expand your English vocabulary with slang expressions that add a British touch to your English!

British English slang

1. not my cup of tea

describes something that you dislike or are not interested in.

My friend invited me to an art gallery on Saturday, but it’s not my cup of tea.

2. give someone a bell

to telephone someone.

Give me a bell later so we can make plans for the weekend.

3. a chip off the old block

describes someone who has a similar character or personality to one of their parents

My nephew is a chip off the old block when it comes to computer games. He’s just like his dad.

4. get a move on

used to tell someone to hurry up.

You need to get a move on. I don’t want to be late for the cinema.

5. go pear-shaped

describes something that goes wrong or has problems.

We were going to buy a new house, but everything went pear-shaped when my husband lost his job.

6. give it some welly

used to tell someone to make more effort and use more energy to do something.

You really need to give it some welly so that you can finish this job today.

7. raining cats and dogs

describes when it rains very heavily.

I don’t want to go out for a run today. It’s raining cats and dogs.

8. happy as Larry

describes when someone is extremely happy.

I’m happy as Larry because we’ve just finished our final university exam.

British English slang phrases

9. get shirty

describes when someone gets angry or annoyed and not in a polite way.

So many customers get shirty when they have to wait on the phone for more than a couple of minutes.

10. in a (right) pickle

describes when someone is in a difficult or problematic situation.

Jack drunk a bit too much wine at the staff party and got himself in a right pickle.

11. fine and dandy

describes something as very good or going well.

I’m fine and dandy thanks. I’ve got a great job and still have time to meet up with friends and go to the gym.

12. throw a spanner in the works

describes something (or someone) that creates a problem for a planned activity or project.

This snow storm has thrown a spanner in the works with our holiday. All flights are cancelled!

13. knackered or cream-crackered

to be extremely tired or exhausted.

I’ve been working long hours this week and I’m completely knackered (cream-crackered).

14. take the mickey (out of someone)

describes when you make jokes about someone or tease them and make them look silly.

We were taking the mickey out of our grandfather because he still can’t send text messages on his phone.

15. Bob's your uncle

used to emphasise that something will be fine or is easy to do (e.g. a task or a set of instructions).

Take the car to the mechanic. They’ll repair it this afternoon, and bob’s your uncle!

16. hold your horses

used to tell someone to wait and think about something before making a decision.

Hold your horses. You don’t need to make such an important decision right now.

British English slang expressions

17. a piece of cake

describes something that is very easy to do.

My new job is a piece of cake because I’ve done this so many times before already.

18. in a jiffy

describes when something will happen in a very short time (in the future).

Can you just wait for me at the train station? I’ll be there in a jiffy.

19. to whinge (about something)

to complain about something in a way that annoys other people.

You’re always whinging about your job. Why aren’t you looking for new one?

20. hang on

to wait for a short time.

Can you hang on for a few minutes? I need to do send an email before we go out.

21. a happy bunny

to be happy and satisfied with a situation.

I’m a happy bunny because it’s Friday and I have the whole weekend to relax.

22. full of beans

to be lively, energetic and enthusiastic.

My best mate is always full of beans first thing in the morning.

23. cheesed off

to be angry and annoyed.

He’s really cheesed off because the concert tickets have already sold out.

24. dodgy

describes (1) someone as dishonest, evasive, or strange or (2) something as dangerous or low quality.

We think that this electrician is dodgy and need to get his work checked.

25. chinwag

an informal conversation between friends.

I had a great chinwag with my old friends about what we used to do at university.

Ready to use British English slang words and phrases?

Now that you’ve explored these 25 English slang expressions, why not try them out the next time your chatting with a Brit? These phrases are perfect for informal conversations and adding a bit of fun to your interactions.

However, remember that they’re quite informal and best suited for friendly, relaxed settings. Avoid using them in professional environments or formal situations with strangers. Mastering these expressions will not only boost your English conversational skills but also help you connect with British culture!

We also have a collection English idioms and phrasal verbs for other topics invite you to take a look.

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